New Saint-Pierre Clinic in Wavre
Our team came up with an innovative project in line with the values of archipelago: a sustainable and collaborative hospital designed around the well-being of patients and staff. We offered a strong vision to answer the health challenges of tomorrow, a vision our team always uses as a guideline in all their projects. After a long procedure, our proposal for the new Clinic ended up in second position.
What will the hospital of tomorrow look like?
Breaking with traditional hospital architecture, we took a fresh start to imagine an audacious concept and design a hospital on a human scale, a modular complex integrated into the landscape. A place for health that follows the slope of the land and is surrounded by a park for the enjoyment of patients, while also preserving the quality of the site for all neighbours.
How can we rethink hospitals to avoid the premature obsolescence of dressing up old models in new clothes?
With this in mind, we proposed an inclusive approach, based on collaborative programming to co-develop an ambitious but pragmatic vision on innovation, digital strategy and new organisational models for the future.
What about you? What are you dreaming of for your hospital?