Opening of VEG-i-TEC research centre designed by archipelago
On 10 September 2021, the new VEG-i-TEC research centre in Kortrijk will officially open. This new facility, designed by archipelago for Ghent University, will research innovative methods for processing vegetables. The specificity of the program and the fast-changing requirements in the research field required an intense collaboration between different stakeholders. The result is a highly flexible structure with innovative building technology that can adapt to (extreme) changes on day-to-day basis. Shared ambitions between client and architect regarding circular processes and renewable energy are reflected in a.o. the recycling of concrete present on site into the building’s foundation, adding more green on site as well as on the building, the absorption of rain water in a wadi, careful use of materials, and maximum use of natural energy sources. As part of the masterplan Campus Kortrijk, the building will become an essential link in the further development of the area between university buildings and the city.

Els Van Damme, director Buildings and Facility Management at Ghent University:
“The result is beautiful. The project was completed perfectly within time and budget, regarding many specific preconditions of Ghent University. As always, there were some problems that are unexpectedly more complex or more expensive, but because the team worked well together, solutions were found instantly.“
Elisabeth Cnockaert, project leader Buildings and Facility Management at Ghent University:
“The collaboration was certainly positive. There was good interaction and we learned a lot from archipelago about BREEAM and sustainable building in general. This is also something that we have been focusing on for the past years. There was good mutual trust throughout the process.”
Professor Imca Sampers, project leader VEG-i-TEC:
“The new university course ‘Hygienic Design’ is an interesting by-product of our productive collaboration. With this course we approach conceptual issues to designing a building for our research field. In the past we were only involved with machines, but we gained many valuable insights in how these machines relate to the building they are in.”
Photos: copyright Stijn Vanderdeelen – copyright Caro Vdb – copyright archipelago
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