VIPA addendum for the GRO sustainability meter: archipelago contributes to sustainability criteria for subsidised projects in the care sector
Over the past year, archipelago has made scientific and practice-based contributions to the development of a sustainability framework for the healthcare sector. Additionally, we will collaborate in the organization of the training modules where the new VIPA addendum can be tested for future projects.
Join the VIPA Sustainability Criteria training series on 18 May, 6, 9 and 12 September and 24 October. Register here.
The complete addendum is available online via the link below:
De Ploey, K., Declercq, J., Stevanovic, M., Allacker, K. (2022). Het ontwikkelen van een VIPA addendum voor GRO toepasbaar als duurzaamheidscriteria voor gesubsidieerde projecten in de zorgsector. Leuven: Steunpunt Welzijn, Volksgezondheid en Gezin.